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Janay Brazier
I love Estelle's writing. It flows so well and has me hooked in from the start every time. I still think I prefer the DIMILY series but this is a fantastic story. I love the characters and there are so many emotions within this book, it's unreal. Another brilliant read by a truly talented author. I love Estelle's writing. It flows so well and has me hooked in from the start every time. I still think I prefer the DIMILY series but this is a fantastic story. I love the characters and there are so many emotions within this book, it's unreal. Another brilliant read by a truly talented author. ...more
Maggie • Library of Colors
DNF @ 40%

I think I got through far enough to decide I didn't want to keep going and rate it. The story wasn't bad, it was just flat. Bland characters, bland writing, just... bland. I was reading another book at the same time, and it was so much more in depth.

DNF @ 40%

I think I got through far enough to decide I didn't want to keep going and rate it. The story wasn't bad, it was just flat. Bland characters, bland writing, just... bland. I was reading another book at the same time, and it was so much more in depth.

Jan 11, 2019 rated it it was amazing

Reviews like this can also be found on my blog, Vicariously & Voraciously

ARC received from publisher for a fair review

When Mackenzie's almost boyfriend's parents die in a car accident, she ghosts him because she can't handle being around the grief surrounding death. A year later, she bumps into him and sparks fly. Kenzie must face the choices she made when she ditched Jaden when he needed him the most as well as deal with the grief her own family has barely been dealing with.

The Story-
This is no

Reviews like this can also be found on my blog, Vicariously & Voraciously

ARC received from publisher for a fair review

When Mackenzie's almost boyfriend's parents die in a car accident, she ghosts him because she can't handle being around the grief surrounding death. A year later, she bumps into him and sparks fly. Kenzie must face the choices she made when she ditched Jaden when he needed him the most as well as deal with the grief her own family has barely been dealing with.

The Story-
This is not the type of YA contemporary romance that should be shelved next to Kasie West (Don't get me wrong, I have a love hate relationship with her books). This book doesn't have a light bouncy feeling as you read through Kenzie's experience of reacquainting herself with a guy she really liked but totally blew off. There are some bigger issues that are dealt with, while they aren't all fully resolved, through the story actions are set in motion to rectify the problem.

I really liked the romance between Kenzie and Jaden as the story developed. Their misunderstandings and obvious wishes are still a struggle and it's not a just a switch of hanging out and a great kiss or embrace that fixes it all. I love that through the story they both deal with the issues that they have been dealt in their own way.

The Characters-
In the beginning I had a hard time being on Kenzie's side, but I am glad I got to stick around to read her side of the story that explains her actions. The best thing was that, it was never used as an excuse for her actions. Just explain her really crappy way of dealing with a situation. it showed her lack of knowledge with what to do and how to handle the problems she had at home. She herself had already been grieving and just couldn't add more. The point is she realizes that she's a jerk and does her best to make up for it.

Nov 05, 2018 rated it did not like it
Dare to Fall is about Mackenzie Rivers, a seventeen year old high school student living in a small town in Colorado. She and her best friends, Will and Holden, are hanging out in Dairy Queen one Sunday night when Mackenzie sees Danielle (Dani) Hunter there. Mackenzie has been avoiding Dani and her twin brother, Jaden, since their parents died last year.

The reason is way, way less scandalous than you think. She's so used to the grief in her own family (complete with hackneyed plot regarding a par

Dare to Fall is about Mackenzie Rivers, a seventeen year old high school student living in a small town in Colorado. She and her best friends, Will and Holden, are hanging out in Dairy Queen one Sunday night when Mackenzie sees Danielle (Dani) Hunter there. Mackenzie has been avoiding Dani and her twin brother, Jaden, since their parents died last year.

The reason is way, way less scandalous than you think. She's so used to the grief in her own family (complete with hackneyed plot regarding a parent and drinking too much) that she doesn't know what to say.

But she summons the courage to say something and reconnects with Dani --after first reconnecting with Jaden and realizing she's still as in love with him as she was before his parents died.

That's probably 80% of the whole book. The "plot" is nonexistent, save for a few obligatory nods to Mackenzie's home situation and the "mystery" behind the death of Dani and Jaden's parents. There's also, randomly, several clunky appearances by a former boyfriend of Mackenzie, who seems to exist to be the obligatory jerk/ person who drops the "scandalous" reveal about said mystery.

The characters are as uninteresting as the plot, making Dare to Fall an insipid and aimless mess.

Dora (d_ireadromance)
I'm going to start of by saying how much this authors writing has developed from DIMILY. I was sucked in from the beginning like I knew I would. I am blown away by the age of the author and the many different hard topics this book touched upon. They were written so delicately and so nicely. MacKenzie is so straightforward and brave, which I love. Jaden is just everything lol. I can't rave enough about this book without saying too much because it's a must read.
Dare to Fall is a YA contemporary based on teens dealing with tragedy and loss. Sadly, it doesn't ever really fulfil its destiny or have enough depth to be effective, and while I enjoyed parts of it, overall I found it very underwhelming.

I picked this up because I do love an emotional gut-ripper now and then, and YA contemporarys that sound like they'll achieve this for me feature regularly on the wheel of genres I like to rotate. Unfortunately, this was not the book I was looking for. It had th

Dare to Fall is a YA contemporary based on teens dealing with tragedy and loss. Sadly, it doesn't ever really fulfil its destiny or have enough depth to be effective, and while I enjoyed parts of it, overall I found it very underwhelming.

I picked this up because I do love an emotional gut-ripper now and then, and YA contemporarys that sound like they'll achieve this for me feature regularly on the wheel of genres I like to rotate. Unfortunately, this was not the book I was looking for. It had the potential to be based on its premise, but it consistently fell short of delivering what I assume was its intended effect. There were a number of what should have been major clangers in the storyline; some "oh shit" moments where someone says something or finds out something shocking. Each of these were undermined by the fact they were quickly resolved and forgiven within five pages.

Character-wise, I actually spent the first 60-70% of the book not really liking Kenzie. I couldn't help but think she'd been selfish for abandoning Jaden when his parents died, even though I knew her reasons why from fairly early on - I just didn't find those reasons justification enough for ditching him, without explanation, right when he needed her most. However, when I finally heard her voice her reasons fully to Jaden, it did make a sort of sense and I did then retract that opinion slightly.

Overall, this book wasn't for me. I didn't hate it, but it just never really resonated with me the way I know books like these can.

2 stars ★★

A copy of this book was generously provided by the publisher in order to garner an honest and unbiased review.

Dare to Fall is one of those perfect YA romance contemporaries that you find yourself becoming completely engrossed in. From the romance, to the drama, the twists and the more serious aspects, it was completely addictive.

Whilst this is a romance novel, serious topics aren't shied away from and are dealt with realistically and delicately. There is an overall theme of grief and how people cope with that in different ways. Each character dealing with grief has their own way of dealing with it. Some

Dare to Fall is one of those perfect YA romance contemporaries that you find yourself becoming completely engrossed in. From the romance, to the drama, the twists and the more serious aspects, it was completely addictive.

Whilst this is a romance novel, serious topics aren't shied away from and are dealt with realistically and delicately. There is an overall theme of grief and how people cope with that in different ways. Each character dealing with grief has their own way of dealing with it. Some cope better than others and some heal more slowly than others. I appreciated that emphasis on how there is no "right" way and that the healing process can be very unpredictable and change a person. There are also lots of lighter, cute moments scattered throughout though. I liked the romance and the slow-burn nature to it and also the interactions between friends and family members which weren't forgotten about in favour of the romance.

Overall, a perfect balance of heartwarming and heartbreaking moments!

This is the first of Estelle's books that I've read but I'm definitely getting my hands on the DIMILY trilogy now. I have a feeling I'll be just as gripped as I was this time around!

I really liked the simple, elegant front cover of this book so decided to try it. I devoured the book and finished it in less than two days.

This book explores different characters coping in very different ways with grief from losing their loved ones. The two main characters are the protagonist, McKenzie and her long-time crush (and boyfriend), Jaden. McKenzie struggles to cope with the loss of her sister, Grace, who was stillborn whilst Jaden and his sister, Danielle, try to overcome their grief

I really liked the simple, elegant front cover of this book so decided to try it. I devoured the book and finished it in less than two days.

This book explores different characters coping in very different ways with grief from losing their loved ones. The two main characters are the protagonist, McKenzie and her long-time crush (and boyfriend), Jaden. McKenzie struggles to cope with the loss of her sister, Grace, who was stillborn whilst Jaden and his sister, Danielle, try to overcome their grief of losing their parents in a car accident.

Maskame does not shy away from the important theme of grief. Instead, she presents us with a beautifully written tale in which we see different ways of enduring loss and learn that only when we unite, confide in each other and help each other through it, can we become stronger. From the book, we learn that courage can mean simply acknowledging those who have suffered from loss or (view spoiler)[doing what Holden does in the end by turning himself in to the police (hide spoiler)]. But whatever it is, we must show forgiveness, learn from our mistakes and stick with our friends.

I would recommend this book to everyone. It is simply written but powerful in meaning. Definitely a must read.

A really cute book. I am not a contemporary fan but that didn't stop me from enjoying it.

The relationship between MacKenzie and Jaden was so cute and I was shipping them from the very first moment.

MacKenzie, Jaden and Danielle are interesting characters and they make the story more and more interesting. You care about them and their journey. This is important because most of the time contemporary books have shallow, whiny and annoying protagonist and it has to change.

All in all, I am impressed.

A really cute book. I am not a contemporary fan but that didn't stop me from enjoying it.

The relationship between MacKenzie and Jaden was so cute and I was shipping them from the very first moment.

MacKenzie, Jaden and Danielle are interesting characters and they make the story more and more interesting. You care about them and their journey. This is important because most of the time contemporary books have shallow, whiny and annoying protagonist and it has to change.

All in all, I am impressed. It was something new and I didn't expect to like it.

Actual rating 3,5⭐️
I really really liked this book! I loved the characters and I liked how the idea was a little different than other YA novels that I've read. My only problem was that all the drama in this book was always resolved quickly. Also the ending didn't give me as much answers as I would have wanted.
But I have to admit that I really love Estelle Maskame's books!!
Samantha (WLABB)
Rating: 3.5 Stars

When the Hunter twins' parents were killed in an automobile accident, Kenzie abandoned them. Not because she was heartless, but rather, because she was already drowning in her own family's grief, and could not handle anymore. But she made a choice, after a year, she thought it was time to reconnect with the twins, and this effort might actually open her pathway to healing.

This was a really beautiful portrait of grief and mourning. Both families were dealing with loss, but they

Rating: 3.5 Stars

When the Hunter twins' parents were killed in an automobile accident, Kenzie abandoned them. Not because she was heartless, but rather, because she was already drowning in her own family's grief, and could not handle anymore. But she made a choice, after a year, she thought it was time to reconnect with the twins, and this effort might actually open her pathway to healing.

This was a really beautiful portrait of grief and mourning. Both families were dealing with loss, but they were coping in very different ways, which was really realistic. Though Kenzie's family suffered their loss before the Hunters, they never really faced their loss, and it was a ghost, which was keeping the family from moving forward.

Kenzie and Jaden were really the stars of this for me. While they rekindled their romance, we learned more about how they were coping with their pasts. Jaden's openness and vulnerability was something that drew me to him, and I thought he and Kenzie shared a really special and wonderful bond.

The whole time, I was holding my breath, because I knew there was something we didn't know about the Hunter parents' accident, and I was taken aback when I learned the truth. It was tragic and sad, and my heart broke once again.

I really did enjoy this book, and I feel like if the ending hadn't been so rushed, I would have rated it higher, because I loved the characters, the character growth, and the romance.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


Jan 23, 2020 rated it really liked it
I've been seeing this book everywhere and finally decided to take the leap. I can't say that I'm disappointed. The story was well put together with a decent plot. It wasn't too crazy like the author's DIMILY trilogy.
The story revolved around MacKenzie as she struggles to deal with her feelings for a guy (Jaden) that she almost had a thing with. The "thing" ended before it even started when Jaden's parents died in an accident. Throughout the book, we learn that her reason for backing out has not
I've been seeing this book everywhere and finally decided to take the leap. I can't say that I'm disappointed. The story was well put together with a decent plot. It wasn't too crazy like the author's DIMILY trilogy.
The story revolved around MacKenzie as she struggles to deal with her feelings for a guy (Jaden) that she almost had a thing with. The "thing" ended before it even started when Jaden's parents died in an accident. Throughout the book, we learn that her reason for backing out has nothing to do with a "tendency to run away when things get tough" and everything to do with her way to deal with grief. The reader gets to see that and MacKenzie's character development as they read the book. Jaden also plays a huge role in this development.
Overall, the book was absolutely adorable and heartbreaking. The ending was completely shocking and I'm still mad about the cliffhanger at the end. (I didn't think that this would be a series).
Henna | j a t k a  l u k e m i s t a
Sarah Swartz
Jan 01, 2019 rated it it was amazing
DARE TO FALL was an absolute page-turner. I couldn't put it down and when I had to, I couldn't wait to pick it back up and continue reading it. I recommend it to everyone who is craving a chilling teen romance. It was perfect! DARE TO FALL was an absolute page-turner. I couldn't put it down and when I had to, I couldn't wait to pick it back up and continue reading it. I recommend it to everyone who is craving a chilling teen romance. It was perfect! ...more
Estelle Maskame may well have experienced loss and grief, but this novel reads as if she either hasn't, or would rather not engage with the issues she's bringing into the book. It's full of "telling" instead of "showing", and ultimately it was shallow and unrealistic.

And I find myself yet again wondering if healthcare is so different in the US that people don't have access to even basic counselling after a bereavement? Certainly what we are told about the stillbirth is miles away from the reali

Estelle Maskame may well have experienced loss and grief, but this novel reads as if she either hasn't, or would rather not engage with the issues she's bringing into the book. It's full of "telling" instead of "showing", and ultimately it was shallow and unrealistic.

And I find myself yet again wondering if healthcare is so different in the US that people don't have access to even basic counselling after a bereavement? Certainly what we are told about the stillbirth is miles away from the reality in the UK - thankfully nowadays you are given a chance to be with your child, make some memories, have some photos and prints, etc.

Isn't it great that Mackenzie's mother's addiction problem vanishes overnight just by being told it's a bad habit? I guess nobody ever thought of that approach before...

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME ESTELLE?????

No. You can't end it there! No! Ugh!

I just wanted to punch Holden in the face so hard as he kept saying "my whole future will be gone!" Like NO KIDDING PAL! But what about poor Brad and Kate????? And Jaden and Dani???? Damn boy you dumb, until the end when you did the right thing. But dude, you totally told Kenz the truth so that she would take your side and leave the Hunter's alone again and you would be safe, ugh! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Okay, besides my anger towards Ho


No. You can't end it there! No! Ugh!

I just wanted to punch Holden in the face so hard as he kept saying "my whole future will be gone!" Like NO KIDDING PAL! But what about poor Brad and Kate????? And Jaden and Dani???? Damn boy you dumb, until the end when you did the right thing. But dude, you totally told Kenz the truth so that she would take your side and leave the Hunter's alone again and you would be safe, ugh! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Okay, besides my anger towards Holden, this book is phenomenal! I mean, once you tell yourself that this isn't DIMILY and this isn't Tyler and Eden story, you just get caught up in Kenzie and Jaden and their relationship!

The reviews saying that DTF isn't DIMILY, need a reality check! Of course it's not DIMILY! There can only be one DIMILY. And once you accept that, you can enjoy and love this book for what it is, and simple put, this book is perfection.

It's hard to believe that Estelle was just nineteen when she wrote this, and tweeting as she wrote and the meltdowns while editing because she couldn't drink 😂.

I'm already excited for book number five, whenever that will come (hopefully next year 🤞🏻)

I am not too sure what to say about this book. I enjoyed it but only so much that I enjoyed the romantic aspects of this book. I didn't feel like the characters were real enough despite the fact that they are fictional. Yes, they each had a story to tell that was very personal and dealt with grievances but I just didn't connect with it. The cover is absolutely stunning which was one of its pull factors that drew me to this book as well as the synopsis. I didn't hate this book, I just didn't conn I am not too sure what to say about this book. I enjoyed it but only so much that I enjoyed the romantic aspects of this book. I didn't feel like the characters were real enough despite the fact that they are fictional. Yes, they each had a story to tell that was very personal and dealt with grievances but I just didn't connect with it. The cover is absolutely stunning which was one of its pull factors that drew me to this book as well as the synopsis. I didn't hate this book, I just didn't connect with it, but it was still an enjoyable read. ...more
Dare To Fall is exactly what I wanted from Estelle Maskame after the conclusion of the DIMILY trilogy. It's an honest and confronting look at how people handle their grief. Ignore it, bury it or carry it with them every day.

I found the characters to be a realistic with the relationship dynamics an accurate representation of real life. One of my favourite things about Estelle's writing is just how researched the places her characters live are. I can only imagine how many hours she spends pouring

Dare To Fall is exactly what I wanted from Estelle Maskame after the conclusion of the DIMILY trilogy. It's an honest and confronting look at how people handle their grief. Ignore it, bury it or carry it with them every day.

I found the characters to be a realistic with the relationship dynamics an accurate representation of real life. One of my favourite things about Estelle's writing is just how researched the places her characters live are. I can only imagine how many hours she spends pouring over locations to bring her stories to life.

If you're a fan of books that make you feel every emotion under the sun then Dare To Fall is for you.

I was provided with a digital copy by Black & White Publishing via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Literarily Disturbed
So, I enjoyed the DIMILY trilogy by Miss Maskame. I especially loved how much her writing improved between book 2&3 of that series, so naturally, this book being the next thing she released, I hoped her writing would be just as great as DIMIMY (book 3)! It took me over 6 months to get to this book - not because of my ever-growing TBR pile getting in the way, but because I really didn't want to be disappointed. But unfortunately, I am.

Mackenzie feels A LOT like Eden (from DIMILY), I mean, they're

So, I enjoyed the DIMILY trilogy by Miss Maskame. I especially loved how much her writing improved between book 2&3 of that series, so naturally, this book being the next thing she released, I hoped her writing would be just as great as DIMIMY (book 3)! It took me over 6 months to get to this book - not because of my ever-growing TBR pile getting in the way, but because I really didn't want to be disappointed. But unfortunately, I am.

Mackenzie feels A LOT like Eden (from DIMILY), I mean, they're different characters in different books with different situations, but they didn't feel that different when you strip all those things away.

I found it annoying how often it's mentioned the MC lives in Windsor, Colorado, and how often she says "the Hunters" and how often she reflects on absolutely everything. Also, sometimes the author over-explains certain (obvious) things and it's like yeah, I get it.
And the whole American setting feels quite inauthentic - I mean I've never been to America so I obviously wouldn't know how close to reality this book comes in terms of scene-setting - and it may be because I know the author isn't American that that was just in the back of my mind - but it just doesn't feel right.

Lastly, I didn't know what the story was building towards until the climax finally happened. Once things set in motion, things got a bit more interesting, but there was probably only one scene where I was on the edge of my seat.

All in all, the plot was okay, I'm just not a fan of the writing style.

Feb 17, 2019 rated it liked it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Dare to Fall is a YA contemporary based on teens dealing with tragedy and loss. Sadly, didn't hit the mark for me. It felt mixed up and didn't make any sense.

I picked this up because of the cover and blurb. Unfortunately, this was not the book I was looking for. It had the potential to be based on its premise, but it consistently fell short. There were many moments where unforgivable things happened which should have been shocking but these were pointless and unnecessary by the fact they were qu

Dare to Fall is a YA contemporary based on teens dealing with tragedy and loss. Sadly, didn't hit the mark for me. It felt mixed up and didn't make any sense.

I picked this up because of the cover and blurb. Unfortunately, this was not the book I was looking for. It had the potential to be based on its premise, but it consistently fell short. There were many moments where unforgivable things happened which should have been shocking but these were pointless and unnecessary by the fact they were quickly resolved and forgiven within five pages - it just felt like things were put in for dramatic effect.

I actually spent the first 50% of the book not liking Kenzie. I couldn't help but think she'd been selfish for abandoning Jaden when his parents died, even though I knew her reasons why from fairly early on - I just didn't find those reasons justification enough for ditching him. Why would something that happened 4 years ago suddenly be an issue from a year ago?? I just don't understand why she wasn't honest with him and just ignored him for a year.

Overall, this book wasn't for me. I didn't hate it, but it just never really resonated with me the way I know books like these can. It felt like a meh read. I give it 3 stars

Sarah Emilia Hopkins
I didn't really enjoy this book. Most of the text consisted of the main character 'Kenzie's' inner thoughts, which really weren't that interesting. I got sick of her explaining how blues Jaden's eyes were REAL QUICK. Like okay, we get it, they are really blue! I was kinda surprised by Jaden's character because I got the idea that he was going to be really mysterious but he was never that.
The jealous ex was just so predictable and stupid. I get that the author was trying to create some tension
I didn't really enjoy this book. Most of the text consisted of the main character 'Kenzie's' inner thoughts, which really weren't that interesting. I got sick of her explaining how blues Jaden's eyes were REAL QUICK. Like okay, we get it, they are really blue! I was kinda surprised by Jaden's character because I got the idea that he was going to be really mysterious but he was never that.
The jealous ex was just so predictable and stupid. I get that the author was trying to create some tension through this Darren character, but it was not well executed in my opinion.
Generally I think that the characters were all pretty static and I didn't grow to really care about any of them.
It wasn't the worst book, but I wouldn't rate it more than two stars.
Jan 21, 2019 rated it really liked it
I loved this book so much. I will admit, I wasn't hooked from the beginning, but after about 30 pages or so I was LOOOOVING it. I read well over 100 pages today which is not like me to do at all as I'm someone who reads in smallish doses. This was my first time reading Estelle's work and I would deffo read more of her books. What I loved about this book was that I honestly didn't predict the ending. Normally with these types of books you know what's going to happen, but this was a lil' eyebrow r I loved this book so much. I will admit, I wasn't hooked from the beginning, but after about 30 pages or so I was LOOOOVING it. I read well over 100 pages today which is not like me to do at all as I'm someone who reads in smallish doses. This was my first time reading Estelle's work and I would deffo read more of her books. What I loved about this book was that I honestly didn't predict the ending. Normally with these types of books you know what's going to happen, but this was a lil' eyebrow raiser. The characters are wonderful, they frustrated me, made me feel sad for them, made me root for them, and the fact that I was so invested in them shows that it truly is a well written book. Would recommend! ...more
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. After loving the DIMILY series, I was really looking forward to read Dare to Fall. I really liked Kenzie, she was a sympathetic character, and her two best friends, Holden and Will. But sadly I couldn't really connect with Jaden.
Another problem I had, was that the drama was always resolved so quickly. Plus at some point, it really annoyed me that the eye color of Jaden and Dani was mentioned so often.
The end felt unfinished for me and I wished there were at least 100 more pages to give me the
After loving the DIMILY series, I was really looking forward to read Dare to Fall. I really liked Kenzie, she was a sympathetic character, and her two best friends, Holden and Will. But sadly I couldn't really connect with Jaden.
Another problem I had, was that the drama was always resolved so quickly. Plus at some point, it really annoyed me that the eye color of Jaden and Dani was mentioned so often.
The end felt unfinished for me and I wished there were at least 100 more pages to give me the answers I wanted (or needed), especially about what happened later with Holden and how Jaden and Dani's Grandparents would have reacted.
Overall it was a good story, for in between and I really liked Estelle's writing but I prefered the DMILY series more.
Jesi Sarracino
This fell really flat for me. What a shame. I have read the DIMLY series and loved them so this was a huge disappointment. You spent way too much time in Kenzie's head, and just some of the stuff that happened wasn't very believable? I feel like she tried a little too hard to make every character dynamic. This book just really didn't hold my attention very well, found myself often day dreaming of other things while reading. Just not what I wanted at all.
I'm not sure what to think about this one because it wasn't that exciting as I thought it would be.
Anyway, I liked the idea of the story and that you can read it very fast for the reason of the authors writing style. But somehow the characters couldn't 'get' me.
So I loved the Dark Love Trilogy but this new novel couldn't convince me at all. To be honest I'm a little bit disappointed.
I'm not sure what to think about this one because it wasn't that exciting as I thought it would be.
Anyway, I liked the idea of the story and that you can read it very fast for the reason of the authors writing style. But somehow the characters couldn't 'get' me.
So I loved the Dark Love Trilogy but this new novel couldn't convince me at all. To be honest I'm a little bit disappointed.
Natalie Kate
I had no doubts that I would love this book - there's just something about Estelle's writing that screams to me. But I'm sat in bed with tears streaming down my face wondering how on earth I ended up here. Still. No regrets. I had no doubts that I would love this book - there's just something about Estelle's writing that screams to me. But I'm sat in bed with tears streaming down my face wondering how on earth I ended up here. Still. No regrets. ...more
Apr 12, 2019 rated it it was amazing
4.5 again bc the ending was kinda abrupt and didn't wrap anything up but other than that holy shit 4.5 again bc the ending was kinda abrupt and didn't wrap anything up but other than that holy shit ...more
Dnf 34% (audio book version)
I got bored and compared to the other trilogy by this author.
Eliana Perry
Oct 17, 2021 rated it it was amazing
Oh my gosh!! This is book had me in all the feels. Sad,relieved,happy!! I love this book 10/10
I finished this book in a matter of hours. I couldn't read Dare To Fall fast enough! It's been a very long time since I've raced through a book so fast!

From the very first chapter you notice the difference in Estelle's writing. You can see clearly how much Estelle has developed as writer since Did I Mention I Love You . I wouldn't say the writing style is more grown up but more that she has perfected her craft!

I was super excited to start Dare To Fall but I was also hesitant because I loved the

I finished this book in a matter of hours. I couldn't read Dare To Fall fast enough! It's been a very long time since I've raced through a book so fast!

From the very first chapter you notice the difference in Estelle's writing. You can see clearly how much Estelle has developed as writer since Did I Mention I Love You . I wouldn't say the writing style is more grown up but more that she has perfected her craft!

I was super excited to start Dare To Fall but I was also hesitant because I loved the DIMILY series so much and I couldn't help but wonder what if I didn't like this book as much.My fears were quickly wiped away and I was thrown into the world of MacKenzie & Jaden.

I'm not going to talk too much about the books plot because I honestly think it's best to go in just knowing whats in the blurb however I will talk about the amazing way Estelle portrayed the main characters relationships. We start the book at the beginning of Kenzie's and Jaden's relationship but also at the end and I think that was just the most beautiful thing Estelle did as I found that I loved their story before it really even began.

I'm going to stop there because you just all need to READ THE BOOK! You can buy it at Amazon & Book Depository

Once again I can't wait to see what Estelle writes next!

Estelle Maskame is a novelist from Peterhead in Scotland. After gaining universal acclaim online during her teenage years, she signed a print contract with the Edinburgh-based publisher Black & White Publishing at the age of seventeen. She left school and now writes full-time. Did I Mention I Love You? is her first novel.

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"Pero lo más importante —susurra, y todo mi cuerpo tiembla por la ronca caricia de su voz— es que todo esto me ha enseñado a no perder el tiempo, porque quizá no quede tiempo. Me ha enseñado que si quiero hacer algo, tengo que hacerlo al momento." — 0 likes
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